We support and sponsor
For many years, we have been supporting and sponsoring BRIS and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in their important work.
Barnens Rätt i Samhället (Childrens’ Rights in Society), is one of Sweden’s leading organizations that fights every day for a better society for children and young adults.
With the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a basis, Bris supports children in vulnerable situations, mobilizes society and influences decision-makers for a society where every child knows his or her rights and where the child’s rights are respected. In addition to the support activities for children and young people, Bris also provides support and advice to adults on issues that affect children.
Bris is one of the founders of CHI, Child Helpline International, which receives over 20 million contacts from children and young people per year in 142 countries.

The Swedish for Nature Conservation was formed in May 1909 and has since been involved in influencing most major decisions on environmental issues, such as environmental legislation, the establishment of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the existence of eco-labeling of goods and services.
The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation’s vision for the year 2040:
“Your house is powered by electricity from solar cells. There are fish in the oceans. You can take a walk in a lush forest. You can take your electrical car to work. Or just eat a banana that is free of dangerous pesticides.”
For us, it is natural to support the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation’s work. We are fighting for a healthier world!

Contact person
Catarina Wernlund
Head of Marketing
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 93

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