Personnel Policy
Our employees and their knowledge are the companies’ and the group’s most valuable asset.
Our overall personnel policy is to:
- Recruit, retain and develop the personnel needed to achieved the company’s and the group’s both short-term and long-term business goals.
- Promote mutual trust and understanding between management and employees.
- The employees should thrive and feel motivated to work.
- The work environment must be safe and secure.
- All employees must receive the training deemed necessary to be able to perform their duties in current and any future positions.
- The employees’ personal development must be stimulated as far as it is compatible with the company’s/group’s operations and the individual’s conditions.
- All employees must be well informed about the company’s and the group’s development, both commercially and financially.
- Have an individual and differentiated salary setting where the salary is determined according to performance, responsibility and the degree of difficulty of the work.
- The company’s benefits must create a motivated staff that does a good job and thereby benefit the business benefit.
- Work for gender equality and counteract all forms of discrimination in our workplaces, for example in recruitment, salary setting and education.
Contact person
Lars Andersson
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 86

Safe Control Materialteknik AB has been accredited since 2001 and has had flexible accreditation since 2016.
All testing takes place against European and international standards.
See our Scope of Accreditation »