PAH-16 analysis – extended

525 kr12 038 kr


In this analysis package we analyze regarding PAH, oil, metals, BTEX, aliphatics and aromatics.
You can add analyzes such as chromium 6 (Cr 6) and mercury (Hg).

SKU: pah16-extended-p Categories: ,


PAH is, according to the Swedish Chemical Agency, the largest group of carcinogenic substances we known today. Tar products (tar, coal, bitumen) may contain PAHs.

Our extended analysis is common for asphalt, for example. It is also possible to add mercury (Hg) and Chromium 6 (Cr 6).

If you have material such as asphalt, for example, you need to make an additional purchase of Sample preparation in form of crushing/grinding.

Additional information

Choose analysis:

1 working day, 2 working days, 4 working days, 10 working days, Addition: Mercury (Hg), Addition: Chromium 6 (Cr 6) – 5 days, Addition: Chromium 6 (Cr 6) – 7 days, Sample preparation