Asbestos analysis: Dust/tape sample

2 388 kr5 800 kr

When analyzing dust and tape samples at least 20 partial samples are taken to ensure that no asbestos fibers are present.

SKU: asbest-dammprov-p Categories: ,



We provide tape folders that are intended for the purpose.
We provide a folder with four strips of tape for sampling. Do not pull the tape upwards but along the folder. After sampling, the piece of tape is put back in place. If it does not stick, you can use other tape to attach it to the ends.

Office tape
You can use a regular office tape that is 10-12 cm long and fold the ends (so as not to contaminate the surface with your fingers). Saturate the tape in the place(s) where you want to analyse the dust and then attach it to a plastic folder or pocket, do not fold it twice. Place the plastic folder/pocket in an envelope.

After payment has been made, note your receipt number on the bags so that we can easily link your payment with your sample.

Additional information

Choose analysis:

Sameday, 24 hours, 3 working days, 10 working days

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