Leave a sample to us and get back a result that gives the complete chemical composition of the material. We analyze, for example, coatings, metals, particles, coolants, fibers and water. We also perform various types of corrosion tests.
We characterize metals and identify constituent alloying elements content using, among other things, our optical emission spectrometer (OES) and microscopy. We perform analysis of chemical composition of unalloyed and low-alloy steels, stainless steels, duplex steels and analysis of nickel, copper and aluminum alloys.
The laboratory also performs chemical analysis of coatings and particles, as well as corrosion tests on stainless austenitic steels.
Some services are:
- Analysis of coatings and particles »
- Corrosion testing »
- Material analysis/chemical composition (OES) »
- Material identification (PMI) »
- Analysis of soda melts »
- DWD, thickness measurements | Deposit Weight Density »
- Analysis of industrial water »
- Cooling water
- Waste water »
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM/EDS) »
- Procedure testing »
Quality control of metallic materials
Analysis of chemical composition together with the material’s mechanical and structural properties provides a solid knowledge of the material’s quality.
Quality assurance of metallic materials »
Accredited corrosion testing
Our chemists and metallographers test and document the corrosion resistance of various materials.
Do you need knowledge of materials science and how to interpret a material certificate?
The starting point for our two-day training on metallic materials is to give you a basic knowledge of material science and how to interpret certificates. In addition to theory, the educations also contain practical elements in our laboratory.

Mattias Thuvander
Material Science (basic) is led by Mattias Thuvander, Associate Professor of Microstructure Physics, works at the Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.
Interpretation of Material Certificates is led by Torbjörn Ygesjö, Marine Surveyor at Bureau Veritas, Marine & Offshore.
The courses are independent, which means that you can sign up for only one of the days. If you choose to participate in both, you will receive a SEK 1,000 discount.

Torbjörn Ygesjö
Contact person
Catarina Wernlund
Head of Chemistry
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 93

Safe Control Materialteknik AB is accredited since 2001 and has had flexible accreditation since 2016.
All testing takes place against European and international standards.
See our Scope of Accreditation »