Examination of Welding Procedure Specification
Welcome to a full-day training on how to review a WPS and welding data sheets, which is a job description for the welder.
The target group is buyers, welders, inspectors of WPS and those responsible for purchasing, welding and manufacturing.
The education includes the following elements:
- Purchase of welding and welded structures
- Make the right demands
- Regulatory requirements
- Customer requirements/standards
- How welding is qualified
- Welding methods
- Welding parameters
- Welding positions
- Dimensions
- Additive materials
- Material
- Practical steps in the laboratory
- How to assess that work performed meets requirements

Sign up today!
Are you interested? Send an e-mail to anmalan@safecontrol.se.
October 10, 2023
8 hours
SEK 4 950 per person
(excluding VAT)
Safe Control Materialteknik AB
Tillgängligheten 1
417 10 Göteborg
Application deadline
September 26, 2023
State the name of the eduction as well as the participant’s name and e-mail.
Are you many?
Contact us for a quote.
Course certificate
Certificates are issued after completing the training.
Jonas Denzler is a quality engineer at TRK Kvalitetsteknik AB in Stenungsund.
TRK Kvalitetsteknik AB is an accredited inspection body according to SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020 for qualification of welding and soldering procedures.

Contact person
Catarina Wernlund
Head of Education
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 93

Safe Control Materialteknik AB is accredited since 2001 and has had flexible accreditation since 2016.
All testing takes place against European and international standards.
See our Scope of Accreditation »